2424 E 21st Street Suite 340, Tulsa, OK 74114

How to Care for Your Particular Skin Type

It’s important to understand the best way to care for your skin based on your skin type.

You hear commercials talk about different skin types all the time. But do you have normal, oily, dry, combination or sensitive skin? It’s important to know which skin type you have so that your skin receives the proper care to keep it looking radiant. And our Tulsa, OK Skin Caredermatologist Dr. Lynn Anderson is happy to give you some tips on how to care for each skin type.

Normal Skin Types

How should you care for normal skin:

  • Use gentle cleansers and skin care products that will continue to balance your normal skin type.
  • Wash your face twice a day (washing your face too often can result in dryness).
  • Use an astringent after washing your face to keep pores clean and tight.
  • Always use a non-comedogenic moisturizer.
  • Protect against sun damage and wrinkles by using sunscreen everyday (apply about 20 minutes before going outside).

Oily Skin Types

Here are some ways to tackle oily skin issues:

  • Wash your face no more than twice a day or after sweating.
  • Use a gentle face wash and be gentle with your skin while washing it. No scrubbing!
  • Don’t touch or try to pop pimples. This could lead to scarring. If you want to get your pimples extracted your Tulsa, OK skin doctor can do it safely.
  • Only choose products that are noncomedogenic, as they won’t clog pores.

Dry Skin Types

Don’t let flaky, irritated and peeling skin get to you. Follow these helpful hints:

  • Taking shorter showers that are warm rather than hot. Hot water dries skin out.
  • Only use gentle fragrance-free cleansers.
  • Don’t scrub your skin; always be gentle.
  • Opt for a thick moisturizer and apply right after showering or after cleansing.

Combination Skin Types

Combination skin has a mix of oily and dry areas. Here are some tips for combatting combination skin:

  • Use a gentle, foaming or gel-based cleanser.
  • Use a toner everyday to balance your skin.
  • Use sunscreen everyday.
  • Exfoliate your skin at least once a week to remove dead skin cells.

Sensitive Skin Types

If your skin is often red, dry, itching or burning, particularly after using certain products, then your skin might be sensitive. There are many reasons for sensitive skin, so it’s important that we figure out what triggers it so that we can help you determine which skin care products are the best for your skin type.

It isn’t always easy to know what your skin needs to look its best. If you are stumped by your skin care regimen, then let us help you. Call Midtown Dermatology in Tulsa, OK today to get one step closer to healthier skin.

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