2424 E 21st Street Suite 340, Tulsa, OK 74114

Acne Treatment Options

I Have Acne, What Can I Do? Treatment options for acne.

You look in the mirror and see large red welts on your face, along with patches of blackheads. It seems every time you look in the mirror,acne treatment there are more blemishes on your face. They are now creeping down your chest and shoulders too. You have acne, and you are not alone. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is the most common skin condition in the United States.

But now there is a professional who can help you be clear again. Dr. Lynn Anderson of Midtown Dermatology in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is your skin care specialist to help you get rid of acne.

You might have been told to just leave acne alone and that it will go away by itself, but there are reasons why you need to treat acne. For one thing, you don’t want to live with being self-conscious about your appearance and have low self-esteem because of your acne. Leaving acne alone can also potentially cause scarring as the condition clears up.

Acne is caused by clogged pores. Your pores can be clogged with dead skin cells, excess oil (sebum) and bacteria, and your pores become red, swollen and inflamed. You can try over the counter acne treatments containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, but they do take awhile and in more severe cases, they may not work.

If you have tried over-the-counter treatments with little or no result, it’s time to make an appointment with Dr. Anderson. She will discuss professional acne treatment options with you, such as:

  • Oral and topical medications-to treat infections of your pores
  • Benzoyl peroxide products-to reduce blockage of your pores
  • Tretinoin-to reduce the blockage causing blackheads and whiteheads
  • Extraction-using a small tool to push out pore blockage

If you are dealing with frustrating, unsightly acne, it’s time to seek out the help of a dermatologist. You deserve to look great, and feel great about yourself, so don’t wait! Call Dr. Lynn Anderson of Midtown Dermatology, your skin care specialist in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and make an appointment. Call today and say goodbye to acne!

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